

The “European Feed and Food Ingredient Safety Certification Aisbl” based in Brussels manages the “EFISC-GTP” scheme. The EFISC-GTP certification offered by Control Union covers trade, storage and transportation.

Laboratorio 9

    About the standard

    The “European Feed and Food Ingredient Safety Certification Aisbl” based in Brussels manages the “EFISC-GTP” scheme.
    The EFISC-GTP certification offered by Control Union covers trade, storage and transportation.

    The implementation of the EFISC-GTP scheme must ensure the safety of feed/food ingredients; the correct operation of your company in accordance with European feed/food hygiene requirements and the Codex Alimentarius, a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and improve traceability.

    Laboratorio 9

    How can we help you?

    Would you like more specific information about our inspection and/or certification services? If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let us know; we will be happy to contact you.