ISO 20121 – Sustainable Event
The events, due to the magnitude of the people and companies involved, function as a clear sustainability communication strategy for the public.

ISO 20121 – Sustainable event
About the standard
The importance of integrating the sustainability criteria in the realization of an event is due to its nature to influence and impact three fundamental aspects:
- Environmental aspects
- Social aspects
- Economic aspects
Sustainable event
The key to success in a sustainable event lies in the integration of these three aspects indicated above in all its constituent phases:
Disassembly and final evaluation
If the events are carried out taking into account the sustainability criteria, not only is it possible to reduce their negative impact on the aforementioned aspects, but they also help to improve the local image and that of the organization, promote citizen awareness and favor the increase of attendees in future editions, thus entailing greater benefits for the local community. Control Union certifies that the three aspects of sustainability have been implemented throughout the three phases of the event.

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