Textile industry with knitting machines in factory – italian – made in Italy


    Organic, recycled or sustainable material

    Public awareness and the demand for traceability have increased, and many global brands already have a dedicated fashion collection made from certified sustainable content derived from organic, recycled or sustainable material.

    Certification process

    Once the Terms of Contract are agreed, the process is as follow

    Confirmation of Registration

    Subsequently we will send you a Confirmation of Registration, which details how your organisation, units, processes, products and applicable standards are registered in our system. When you sign the offer and send it back to us, both parties enter into a legal contract for auditing and certification

    Prepare your audit

    All relevant documents and or links needed for you to prepare for your audit can be found on your portal: • Normative documents from Control Union Certifications • Relevant standards; some scheme owners require you to obtain the standard directly from them, normally at a fee


    To ensure our impartial position, we are required by the rules of accreditation to receive payment before the (first) audit. For purposes of invoicing, we require the following information from you: • VAT number • Invoice address & Finance contact (if different from the address in your application)


    You can edit your payment information in the portal. Note: Control Union Certifications will only make (travel) arrangements and carry out the initial audit after payment of the first invoice has been received


    In case you have any other questions, you can reach out to us via the contact block below on this page.

    The process will vary depending on several factors, these include how many sites and products will need to be included in your audit (called the scope), how long it takes you to close (if any) non-compliances, and the availability of auditor(s). However, to provide some idea it can be range from 3 to 4 months.

    Certificates have a validity of one year and can be easily renewed. If there are any changes to your scope during the year, you need to notify your local office so that they can determine whether an additional assessment is needed. Your local office will contact you in the months prior to your next audit to ask if there are any changes to your audit scope.

    Yes, once you are certified and have received your certificate, you will have access to request transaction certificates. You will have an online account which will enable you to request transaction certificates.

    The price will be determined by the local office in your region/country. This is determined by what is included in your audit, i.e.: number of sites and processes.

    Yes, there are fees associated with requesting a TC. The fees will vary by region/country. Please note that the issuance of TCs will take several days. Your local office can assist you as to the timing of issuance.

    Yes, you can make changes to your certification however you need to inform your local office before any new sites, processes or products are added. The local office will determine if an additional assessment (desk review or on-site audit) is needed. Costs will be incurred to make changes to your certificate.


    How can we help you?

    Would you like more specific information about our inspection and/or certification services? If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let us know; we will be happy to contact you.