
Fair Trade USA

Fair Trade is a global movement made up of a diverse network of producers, companies, shoppers, advocates, and organisations that focus on social compliance, health and safety while putting human capital, community, and sustainability first.

Fair Trade USA
    Fair Trade USA (FTUSA)

    About the standard

    Fair Trade USA (FTUSA) believes that everyone wants to do what is right for their families, global citizens, and the planet. That is why we are committed to promoting good social practice throughout the value chains. Based on the simple idea that the products you buy and sell are connected to the livelihoods of others, Fair Trade is a way to make conscious choices for a better world and to build positive relationships.

    Choosing Fair Trade Certified™ merchandise is a choice to support responsible business, fight poverty, empower farmers and fishermen, and protect the environment, all while striving to live justly. In other words, it is a way of doing business that changes the world.


    Fair Trade is a global movement made up of a diverse network of producers, companies, buyers, advocates, and organizations that focus on social compliance, health, and safety with priority given to human capital, community, and sustainability.

    Fair trade – Local farmers


    Those interested in accessing Fair Trade USA audits must submit their application to applications@fairtradeusa.org The APS and CFS of Fair Trade USA establish the requirements for all producers or producer groups and have global reach. Wild-capture fishery products are certified under the CFS framework; aquaculture farms are certified as part of the aquaculture subprogram under the APS framework.

    Submit their application

    How you benefit

    FTUSA aims to build a global model around the concept that economic empowerment and sustainable livelihoods are the foundation of a market that works for all. It promotes gender equality and focuses on social policy, respecting social standards through needs assessments and social certification. Today’s global marketplace enables and often encourages engagement at the expense of the workforce, especially migrant workers. For each Fair Trade product sold, the buyer pays a premium above the Fair Trade price. The amount of the premium goes into an account managed by a Fair Trade Committee that decides how to invest these funds to bring real social benefits to the community.

    • Access new markets for your products

    • Sell at the best possible price

    • Improve your community your way

    • Motivate your workforce


    How can we help you?

    Would you like more specific information about our inspection and/or certification services? If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let us know; we will be happy to contact you.